pgnw kuh

The Nordcup as a decentralized cross-country flight competition in the northern lowlands

The idea was to introduce a decentralized cross-country competition in the Northern lowlands in analogy to the Regio Ost-Cup, limited to sites and clubs, where the thermal conditions are comparable. Unfortunately, the general definition of flatland also includes various hilly areas in the east and south, some of which are close to slopes.

In addition, this is also intended to further strengthen cooperation / cohesion in the northern club-network. All clubs in the northern network are represented in the Nordcup - plus a few other clubs / sites with comparable conditions here in the far north.

General description

The NordCup is a decentralized paragliding cross-country  competition with flights in the northern German lowlands by winch launch for pilots from clubs in the northern region.

These are the clubs from Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Bremen and Lower Saxony north of the A2 federal motorway. It is possible to fly at all approved winch launch sites of the invited clubs.
In addition, launching is permitted on the Waren - Vielist (MV) airfield. The competition is based on the DHV-XC server. Different equipment classes are adjusted using handicap factors. The competition is organized as a club competition in the DHV-XC.

All further details and the final list of participating clubs and sites can be found here:

Announcement NordCup



You can find the ranking on the DHV-XC portal: NordCup at the DHV-XC

It is important for everyone who wants to take part that you correctly enter your club affiliation on the DHV-XC portal, as the filtering is based on club affiliation as well as the launch site.